
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Humorous middle grade 'Freaky Frank' will be out June 27

Big release day coming up for my humorous middle grade "Freaky Frank." If there is an 8- to 12-year-old child in your life, this would be a great read for them. I had so much fun writing it. 

This is the first of my middle grades that will be released from MuseItUp Publishing. The next one coming in the fall will be "Will, Middle Name Trouble."

About "Freaky Frank"

In many ways, Frank Fratello is a typical teen. He plays baseball, hangs out with his friends at the mall and gets in trouble at home. But there’s something very different about this sixth-grader—he can read minds. And reading minds can cause problems. Like when Frank says what someone is thinking before they say it. Or answers a question before they ask it.
Despite being telepathic, Frank must deal with everyday middle school life, which includes battling a bully who hates him. Nasty Nate and his flunkies live to get others in trouble—especially Frank.

But Frank and his friends aren’t giving up. There has to be some way to bring Nasty Nate down. They just have to find it.


  1. Congratulations on another publication. :)

  2. Freaky Frank was humorous as well as a teaching tool. Loved reading this book.
    Buff, never stop writing.
