
Friday, December 19, 2014

How to promote your book

A friend asked me this the other day and I sent him some ideas that he turned into a blog post. I'm sharing the link with you. There might be ideas in here you haven't tried yet.

Please share your ideas for book promotion in comments. Let's help each other!


  1. Hi Buffy, I left this comment on Steve's site as well, but if you can answer it directly, I greatly appreciate it.These are fantastic tips. I love Pinterest and I needed to know how to promote my books there. However, I've got a question about Facebook groups that I hope someone can help me with... I've joined several and all that I can find right now of interest are public, so I'm weary about posting my book because I need to know if my friends will see every single post I submit to those groups. I don't want to inundate them. I have an author page which I'm promoting there, which I think is enough. Can I join these groups with my author page? That would be better if so. Thoughts??? Thanks much!!

    1. Hi Tonya, I'm pretty sure you can't join a group as your author page. When you post to groups, your friends will see notifications that you've done so via the Earth icon. They can just ignore those. If this concerns you, I suggest posting to Google communities. I belong to a ton of Google+ groups, probably 50 covering everything from middle-grade to women's fiction. You might try that route.

  2. Wonderful. Will look into Google+. That's the one program I haven't looked into. Thanks for getting back to me, Buffy!
