Saturday, October 12, 2013

Latest review for 'Gina and Mike'

I've been truly blessed with some awesome reviews of The Yearbook Series: Gina and Mike

Here's one i saw this morning. Thank you so much to all of you for taking the time to read my book and share your thoughts with others: 

REVIEW: "This was an easy read, but packed with a lot of detail and emotion. I had a hard time putting it down. The alternating POV's were really well done, overlapping slightly so we could see how each of the characters thought and felt at all times. The plot is one I have been seeing a lot of lately.....girl finding love after being raped, but this book was by far the most realistic and well developed. The absolute best part was that all of the characters had NORMAL NAMES!! If you have been reading a lot of contemporary romance lately, you will know what I mean about the names! I reserve my 5 star reviews for books that leave me with serious hangovers and that feeling like I must immediately re-read them, but this one came close....4.5 stars."

Read other reviews on Amazon and don't forget to check out my author website and like my author page on Facebook. 

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