Sunday, May 5, 2013

'The Christmas Violin' structured like a concerto in three movements

I finished my WIP, “The Christmas Violin.” The story is told in three movements, like a violin concerto. In Movement 1, we meet a young woman, a young man and an old woman. None of the characters are named in Movement 1. It begins in the cemetery with the young woman playing, and the old woman and the young man listening.

In Movement 2, we learn that the young woman is Willow Channing, the young man is Peter James St. John. But we never learn the name of the old woman. 

The story unfolds via passages, starting with Peter, then Willow and finally the old woman. It alternates in this order throughout Movement 2, incorporating the characters’ back stories and building an understanding of and empathy for their individual journeys and the obstacles they must overcome.   

Movement 3 contains two characters, Willow and Peter, and they are no longer separate vignettes but have become one.

I have to say that when I wrote the ending, I was sad. Not sad for how it ended, but sad because I had finished the story. Writing it was such a wonderful journey. I explored a new way to tell a story and while it was challenging, it was also invigorating.

When I began the journey, I knew how it would end. But, and this is always the part I love, I had no idea of how I was going to get there. My characters show me the way. I’m so grateful that Willow and Peter and the Old Woman came into my life. And I’m so glad I told their story. I hope I did them justice.   

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