Saturday, November 7, 2009

The ABC's of the Writing Business

Let’s have some fun. Can you help me think of something that has to do with writing or editing or publishing for each letter of the alphabet? Do as many as you want, but keep the order. If the list is at D, don’t jump ahead to P. Put your addition(s) in comments and when we finish the entire alphabet, I will pull it together and put it in one post. Do as many as you like.
Be creative. Think outside the box. Have fun. And keep it relatively short. We don’t want essays for each letter. Good luck and thanks for helping. I'll start it.

Anticipation is what writers, agents, editors and publishers feel as they await word on their work. (Note: often followed by depression when work gets thumbs down.)


  1. Hey, did you borrow that idea from me? :)

  2. OK, so... B is for bookstore! That was easy. C is for creativity.

  3. Hey Joan. Did you do something similar? I'll have to check it out. Was it on your blog? You know what they say, great minds think alike. Although I think your mind is probably a lot greater than mine:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So far we have:

    A is for Anticipation: What writers, agents, editors and publishers feel as they await word on their work. (Note: often followed by depression when work gets thumbs down.)

    B is for Bookstore.
    C is for Creativity.
    D is for Daily and Dreams: Writers must write daily to achieve their dreams of being published.

    Gang, feel free to add a line of description after your word.

    Lets keep this going.

  6. E is for Editors: Great editors are priceless:)

  7. F is for Fantasy
    G is for Genre

  8. K is for Kudos: Kudos to everyone who works hard to achieve their dreams.

  9. L is for Literary.
    M is for manuscript.
    N is for non-fiction.

  10. I might have to finish these ABC's on my own. Any help out there?

    O is for Omniscient point of view.

  11. P --POV
    Q--quiet place to write

    R--must I say it....You know the word I'm talking about. It comes in the mail and makes you frown...

  12. REJECTION. There, I said it. (Thanks Sharon for participating).

  13. T- time to write
    U- unlimited ink and paper
    V- variety of genres

  14. W is for Writer.

    Who can come up with X?

  15. X-xeno- The xeno stalked me as I walked across campus in the dark. (stranger)

  16. Didn't think anyone would get X. Just two more to go.

    Y is for young adult.

    Can you finish it?

  17. Z is for Zeitgeist: the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time. (def'n from

    Which, to me, seems to include the whole publishing industry

  18. Should we, like make a book? Approach an agent? Send it in to Writer's Digest????

  19. Yahoo! We're done. Thanks gang for participating. Now lets write that Thanksgiving story together.

  20. Just realized we miss S. So here we go: Subsidiary rights.

  21. Here it is:
    ABC’s of writing Business

    Here is the list compiled by readers of this blog. In some cases, writers also left comments. Enjoy!
    A is for Anticipation: What writers, agents, editors and publishers feel as they await word on their work. (Note: often followed by depression when work gets thumbs down.)
    B is for Bookstore
    C is for Creativity
    D is for Daily and Dreams: Writers must write daily to achieve their dreams of being published.
    E is for Editors: Great editors are priceless:)
    F is for Fantasy
    G is for Genre
    H is for Horror.
    I is for Irony.
    J is for jargon.
    K is for Kudos: Kudos to everyone who works hard to achieve their dreams.
    L is for Literary
    M is for Manuscript.
    N is for Non-fiction.
    O is for Omniscient point of view.
    P --POV
    Q is for Quiet place to write
    R is for Rejection
    S is for Subsidiary rights.
    T is for Time to write
    U is for Unlimited ink and paper
    V is for Variety of genres
    W is for Writer.
    X-xeno is for The xeno stalked me as I walked across campus in the dark. (stranger)
    Y is for Young adult.
    Z is for Zeitgeist: the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time. (def'n from
