Monday, December 27, 2010

Writing advice

The hardest thing about writing, in a sense, is not writing. I mean, the sentence is not intended to show you off, you know. It is not supposed to be “look at me!” “Look, no hands!” It’s supposed to be a pipeline between the reader and you. Once condition of the sentence is to write so well that no one notices that you’re writing.


  1. So true and sometimes hard to do. Happy Holidays!

  2. Boy do I agree with that. The best books I've read are the ones where I never noticed I was reading but rather was so immersed in the characters and the story that when it was over it was like waking up from the lovliest of dreams.

  3. Hhmmm... give me some time to think about this one... :)

  4. Great post, Buffy! The books that you get wrapped up in are the very best...It's wonderful to get lost in someone's words.
