Thursday, August 16, 2012

Vacation like reading a good book

The worse thing about vacation is the end. You wish it could go on forever.

It occurred to me how vacation is like reading a good book. You can’t wait to begin it and when you turn to the last page, you’re wishing for more.

So, I’m back from vacation (Drats!) but I’m looking forward to a great sequel, which is supposed to happen at the end of September when Hubs and I go on a cruise to Bermuda. So for now, it’s back to work – both as a journalist (by day) and as a writer (by night).

I’m heading down the homestretch of my newest middle grade, “Will, Middle Name Trouble.” I’m at that crucial moment when I’m weaving all of the threads together. I really like how this MG is turning out. I promise to share some snippets in the future.

I hope that you are well and that the ink is flowing effortlessly. 

QUOTABLE: Vacation is like a good book. You can’t wait to begin it and when it's over, you’re wishing for more.

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