Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Acronym primer inspired by my tweet today

TWEET: MG. MS. MSS. YA. PB. WIP. ARC. POV. CB. ER. TBR. SF/F NaNoWriMo. LI. NF. HEA. What a strange world I live in. #amwriting

So, what do all these things mean anyway?
MG: Middle grade
MS: Manuscript
MSS: Manuscripts
YA: Young adult
PB: Picture book
WIP: Work in progress
ARC: Advanced Reader Copy
POV: Point of view
CB: Chapter book
ER: Early reader
TBR: To be read
SF/F: Science fiction/fantasy
NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month
LI: Love interest
HEA: Happily ever after
NF: Non-fiction

Have any to add to the list? Please do:)